Solving Problems/Improving Leadership

Based on observations of and/or interactions with colleagues (peers and supervisors) at your site identify problems and/or areas that could be improved. Please address at least two of the following: operational issues and/or ineffectiveness and ways in which these may be addressed; under-use, misuse, or abuse of leadership by those in formal or informal positions and ways in which such issues could be addressed; insights about teamwork and collaboration that could positively impact the environment and work product at your site; ways in which you as an intern, who is majoring in leadership studies, might identify issues and share concepts and strategies with supervisors and colleagues that could address the issues. EACH REFLECTION SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 350 WORDS.

Alternate Experience Leader/Follower RelationshipsAlternate Experience Organizational CultureAlternate Experience Theories in ActionAlternative Experience Solving Problems/Improving LeadershipOrganizational CategorySolving Problems/Improving LeadershipTheories in Action

Three Things You Need to Do for a Successful Post

Give your post a creative/distinct title. This will make it easier for you to discern when you look at all your

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