Author Archives: lm8nn

Inchy. My sophomore year, in other words.

I have neglected my reflection spot. I should say spots because technically I have two; one specifically for this class, and one that I have gravitated toward naturally since the beginning of sophomore year. But I feel the reflection spot … Continue reading

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Normal Pig Roast activity: Lodges Abnormal Pig Roast activity: Picking up trash at Belle Isle Early Saturday morning, Erin, Celeste, and I spent a few hours down at Belle Isle picking up trash. There were lots of reasons to be … Continue reading

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Newton moves…. forcefully? Newton’s laws (abbreviated) are as follows: A body in motion remains in motion until some force acts upon it to stop it. Acceleration is directly proportional and parallel to force and inversely proportional to mass. Every action … Continue reading

Posted in Reflection Spot | 1 Comment

Daffodils, VCU Students, and Life Without Toilets

What do Kelly and Phoebe’s posts have in common (besides their excellent taste in poetry)? Both focus on the importance of forgetting oneself. They both speak of the necessity of all people to lay down their lives for the betterment … Continue reading

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“Wow this cow dung is really sticky”

Although it is only February I am ready for spring to have sprung. I was especially this past week when the weather was so ridiculously warm and sunny. I spent a few hours outside on Friday, cleaning up the outside … Continue reading

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Happiness only real when shared.

It is difficult to be alone. It is more difficult to become alone. In order to be alone, you have to remove yourself from people, which is what we saw Chris do in Into the Wild. He decides to forsake … Continue reading

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…And the World Spins Madly On…

The city awakens. Everything around us starts to move: lights turn on in buildings, cars stream over the bridge, and lonely pedestrians make their paths up the other side of the hill where we have placed ourselves, awkwardly still in … Continue reading

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On the Move

I didn’t get far down the Gambles Mill Trail when we were traversing there during our Geography class last Thursday. Once I made it past the initial area that appears to be “The Road Less Traveled By” from Frost’s poem, … Continue reading

Posted in Gambles Mill Trail | 1 Comment