Reflection two

Much has changed here since my last visit. The creek is no longer covered in ice and the ground is not covered in snow. Last visit was much more interesting and pretty, but each new visit brings new discoveries. Although it is now March, today certainly does not feel like spring. Shades of brown and grey dominate the landscape waiting to turn colorful with vibrant greens and flowers. The sky is grey, threatening to dump rain at any moment. Many cars pass by the nearby road and I feel exposed to their view, but upon deeper thought I doubt anyone driving bothers to take their eyes off their lane and look into this mostly unnoticed creek. Since it is rush hour, I only get brief interludes of silence. For the most part, hearing the creek flow is difficult because of the constant traffic. Despite these distractions, I still value my time here. The water is wonderfully clear with a thin film of bubbles or organic material floating on the surface. The trees lack leaves, but this allows me to see farther into the woods. Fortunately, the frequent baseball games are currently silent. I do still feel like I am in nature. I think the fact that I am so close to the water instead of far away, sitting on a rock instead of a bench, able to feel the ground, smell the dirt, and hear the rustling leaves and the water makes me feel like I am in nature. Last time I was here, the feeling was more intense, but the feeling is still here this time. As the sky grows darker, I my thoughts become reality as the raindrops begin to fall. Seeing the raindrops fall onto the calm surface of the water was a relaxing view. Although rain can be a pain, whenever I am outside in the rain, it makes the experience feel all that more wild. Although this site was less beautiful than last time, it brings a new perspective on the same site.

PS I cannot upload some of the picture I took because it says the file sizes are limited.

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