Category Archives: Chapter 6

Childhood and School Days: Head Start, Early Finish

Chapters 6 & 7

After reading the beginning section of chapter 6 I am shocked that there are not more benefits to breast-feeding. I am most surprised that those children who were breastfed did not develop more secure relationships later on in life. I … Continue reading

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Chapter 6 and 7

One aspect of Chapter 6 that made me think of the biopsychosocial model was the claim that “level of education by itself was not a very good predictor of later health and longevity.” Even though obtaining more education does not … Continue reading

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Chapter 6 & 7

Chapter 6 was definitely uplifting for me to read because I was a child whose parents decided to wait until I was older to enter Pre-K. Two of my best friends in high school were the two youngest in our … Continue reading

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Ch. 6 & 7

Chapter 5 discussed how early starts, namely entering school early, affects a child later on in life.  What surprised me was that it wasn’t being younger than your peers that was a predictor of later stress, it was starting a … Continue reading

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Ch 6 and 7: Early Life

In Chapter 6, they focused on the early life of children and how that affects their life-span. They found that breastfeeding helped early on with infant health but had little impact on long-term life. Additionally, starting school at an early age … Continue reading

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