Chapter 6 and 7

One aspect of Chapter 6 that made me think of the biopsychosocial model was the claim that “level of education by itself was not a very good predictor of later health and longevity.” Even though obtaining more education does not necessarily mean a longer life, it may have an affect on the other parts of one’s life that leads to longer life. For instance, if one is constantly being bullied or talked down to because of their education level, it may take a toll on one’s mental health. This person may be more anxious or depressed. As we have learned, being stressed can have long-lasting negative effects on the immune system. Moreover, if one doesn’t have a high level of education, they are more likely to live in neighborhoods that are not as affluent. Nowadays salaries are based off of the highest degree attained. If one does not have a higher education degree, they are not going to receive as high of a salary as someone that has a Master’s in that field. This all affects a person’s social atmosphere with the type food they are able to access and afford, type of neighborhood they live in, and influences in those neighborhoods.

Chapter 7 stated a claim of something I’ve witness. Not only did my childhood best friend’s parents get divorced when she was 8 years old, but her mother also passed away from a brain aneurysm 2 years ago. For a while she did engage in heavy drinking and was depressed. However she also has gone through the phase of resistance and managed to turn her life around and graduate a semester early and find a full time job. Despite having witnessed what this novel claims, the novel does not present any specific statistics proving their points. With divorce rates rising and being more prevalent, it would be in the best interests of the authors to include these statistics.

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