BLOG POST 1: What do I find interesting or curious about this group of people? What more do I need to know to situate this community in the problem or concept of utopia?
Finish your blog with one or more broad research questions that you want to pursu…
I find the idea of cultural events within the Icarian community particularly interesting. I also find the thought that these social aspects of the utopia are only second to education wtihtin the community. I am also particularly interested in CabetR…
Fourierist Phalanx of Brook Farm
What do I find interesting about this group of people? what more do I need to know to situate this community in the problem or context of utopia?
Even though Charles Fourier diligently recorded every detail of his commu…
Did the inclusion of social event such as outings or promenades help to make the Icarian a more enjoyable Utopia?
The Icarians are known for believing that their actions remained in accordance with Cabet’s teachings despite the factions. Did the fac…
One thing I find very interesting about the Owenites is their outlook on education. Owen believed that the members of the society should be raised by the community as a whole in order to “fashion a superior character” (Pitzer 94), not by th…
Is it necessary in the development of utopian societies to have such a central/head figure? Does the existence of a founding central figure predict the end of the society or at least the development of factions?
The Icarians are known for believing t…
Is it necessary in the development of utopian societies to have such a central/head figure? Does the existence of a founding central figure predict the end of the society or at least the development of factions?
The Icarians are known for believing t…