After having read my background source on the Icarian community I found the idea of the Icarian culture quite interesting. The background source had mentioned festivals and music which interested me quite a bit as I was curious to whether these cultural events were different than that of normal “American” holidays and music at the time. After doing more research I found a primary source which gave me information on the Icarian culture based on the Icarians identity. Many of the Icarians were French so much of their culture and traditions were actually French culture. While attemtpting to find more information on culture I found the idea of culture too broad, as culture can mean anything from music to the way a child is brought up. After doing more research I decided to narrow my focus of research from culture to gender roles within the community. In the background source it is stated that men and women have equal voices in community assembly and their is equal education for both sexes. The idea of equal education is very simialr to More’s ideals as he believed women should be educated as well. However, as I did more research I found that there is still a discrepency between the male and female roles in soceity as they were assigned to different jobs. All this research has led me to my research question which is Did gender roles heavily affect who could do what in the Icarian Community?
Finding my Question
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