I find the idea of cultural events within the Icarian community particularly interesting. I also find the thought that these social aspects of the utopia are only second to education wtihtin the community. I am also particularly interested in Cabet’s book as I feel his book will allow me to understand the Icarian community much better. To understand this community better I need to know more about Cabet’s book and the rules and ideas it set for the community. A research question I would like to pursue is did the Icaraian feel that social events played a major role in them understanding there society and surroundings.
I agree that knowing more about Cabet’s social theories and the rules of Icaria are necessary to better frame your research. But your interest in the cultural events is a good focus for your seminar paper. I would encourage you to look at “A Child of Icaria” a memoir that I posted on BlackBoard site for your group. It will give you more details about how the members lived and what they did. You can weigh the lived realities against Cabet’s ideals for utopia. This would make for some great analysis. I also encourage you to ASK questions of your research. Post them on your blog. The questions lead to answers, ones that I hope you can see in your sources.