Printing Student Photos?

Blackboard makes extensive use of web frames.  The student photographs feature (available to instructors of academic courses only) uses such a frame that one needs to select to print.  Here is a link to CSU-Pomona’s page about how to print content in selected frames that should help – .

Blackboard is Back Up!

Blackboard has resumed service.  If you cannot access , please try emptying your web browser’s cache, restarting your web browser, or temporarily trying a different web browser or computer.  If  you need assistance, please contact us at .Thanks for your patience and have a great semester!

Blackboard Maintenance Outage – Thursday, January 6, 7PM

The UR Blackboard system will be unavailable for 9 hours beginning Thursday night at 7 PM as Information Services performs maintenance upgrades to the system. The maintenance will fix a number of the issues that some faculty and students are currently experiencing with UR Blackboard. However, it will not add features or change the user interface.  Please visit this here for updates.

Blackboard Outage – Tuesday 10AM

There was an unplanned Blackboard outage for about 15 minutes beginning just before 10AM today.  The system is back up, and Information Services is monitoring and studying the system and the event.  If you have any unique observations or concerns or questions, please contact .

Thank you for your patience.

UPDATE: The outage was cause by a hardware failure.  Information Services engaged redundant equipment to bring the server back up.  A planned outage in the near future will be required to replace the affected equipment and return the system to the regular level of system redundancy.  Although it will be scheduled to minimize impact, we realize there is no perfect time this close to the end of the semester. Please keep an eye out for announcements of the installation outage.

Fixed Problem: Creating/Deploying Tests

If you are an instructor giving online assessments in Blackboard, you are probably aware of a problem in which creating a test requires you to go to “Add Interactive Tool” instead of the more obvious, “Create Assessment.” This problem has been fixed (see screen capture below)so you will now follow these first few steps to create or deploy a test:

  1. Go to the preferred content area for deploying the assessment.
  2. Mouse over the Create Assessment button.
  3. Select Test from the menu.


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