
Comedy to me is light-hearted, good spirited humor that has the ability to make someone smile, or make them double over laughing. What can be offensive to one person, does not account for humor to me. I don’t find pleasure in jokes that single out and offend other people; I much prefer jokes that anyone can laugh at without feeling picked on. For this reason, I don’t find stand-up comedy very appealing. It tends to focus solely on singling people out and making jokes that only the majority of the audience will find humorous. At stand up comedies, there are generally many unhappy attendants by the time the show is over, and to me, that defeats the purpose of comedy. Comedy is meant to bring pleasure to people and allow for them to be distracted from the seriousness of life. With this view in mind, i appreciate Hayden’s attempt to convey humor through music, because it is a harmless and entertaining way to make someone smile.

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