Debussy’s “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun” : Temporal Experience

The beginning of Debussy’s piece, “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun,” at the beginning, was very peaceful and sounded almost recognizable. However, then with the change of pace, the high pitched, sharp notes, makes me feel as if I need to stretch to be calm and is almost uncomfortable. The slow pace of the beginning and after the high-pitched notes, bring me back to a more comfortable and relaxed state. This piece reminds me of an old timey black and white movie with someone walking through some sort-of forest, somewhat of the Wizard of Oz. With the difference in pace, I think the specific scene from the Wizard of Oz that I’m thinking of is when Dorothy wakes up from her dream and is Munchkin Land walking around.  Towards the end of the song, however, gives me a different temporal experience. I receive more of a picture of a somber, almost depressed feeling. It seems as if something is coming to and end and it is being dragged out. Obviously the piece is ending, but the slowness of pace and lower pitched notes makes me obtain this temporal experience as well. Overall, I enjoyed listening to it and it put me in a good mood.

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