I was on Skype with one of my friends when I asked what he though of opera. He seemed to be caught off guard, granted this is an unusual question to ask someone, which I understood. He didn’t understand what I meant by the question and he thought it is was some sort of joke. I think this reaction would be similar to the reaction of many teens of our generation. Opera is not something we think about daily, nor is it a type of music that we listen to frequently. When I told my friend that it was for school, he finally gave me an answer. He told me the basic stereotypes of what many people think operas are and also said that “it is a type of play and music that regular college age teens don’t typically listen to or get much exposure to.” Again, I feel like this is right on spot with most college kids beliefs about this genre. Opera seems to be much more popular in other countries than it is in America and I feel like if you asked someone from another country what opera is, their reaction would be much different.

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