Response to Will M’s experience of temporal time

I like that you take experiences that most people can relate to and decide to focus your paper on those instances. You also bring up a point that we are all aware of, yet tend not to truly think about in depth- the point that moments that we are enjoying seem to fly by, while moments that we dread seem to slow down. It’s really quite a sad and depressing reality. It seems cruel that the moments we cherish and love so much seem to be the shortest moments that we live. Shouldn’t the time we are enjoying last longer so that our happiness can be extended? We yearn to be happy in life, yet the moments that bring us such joy are minimized by our perception of time. And when we think about the reverse of this concept, being that the moments we are not enjoying seem to linger on hours, it only becomes more depressing. This world would be a much happier place is roles were reversed and the exciting moments in our lives seemed to last for longer, and the insignificant moments felt shortened.

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