By Margaret Kulis
Current Listings
A. Books and Dissertations
1. Barks, Cathy. “The Second Act: American Autobiography and the Moderns.” Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 1995.
2. Kutulas, Judy. The Long War: The Intellectual People’s Front and Anti-Stalinism. Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1995.
3. Levin, Gail. Edward Hopper: An Intimate Biography. New York: Knopf, 1995.
4. Sun, Hong. “Myth and Reality in the Rural and Urban Worlds: A Survey of the Literary Landscape in American and Chinese Regional Literatures.” Ph.D. diss., Washington University, 1995.
5. Whelan, Richard. Alfred Stieglitz: A Biography. Boston: Little, Brown, 1995.
B. Articles, Chapters, and Discussions
1. Anderson, David D. “The Durability of Winesburg, Ohio, Midwestern Miscellany 23 (1995): 51-58.
2. _____. “Sherwood Anderson, Henry Blake Fuller, James T. Farrell, and the Midwestern City as Metaphor and Reality.” Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature Newsletter 25 (Fall 1995): 16-21.
3. ______. “Sherwood Anderson’s Advice to Young Writers.” Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature 25 (Summer 1995): 7-13.
4. Anderson, Sherwood. “Again a Father.” The Winesburg Eagle 20 (Winter 1995): 12.
5. _____. “Chance Rules Us All.” The Winesburg Eagle 20 (Summer 1995): 1.
6. Barranger, Helen Caudill. “Afterword.” The Winesburg Eagle 20 (Summer 1995): 1-3.
7. Baskin, Barbara. An audiobook review of Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson. In Booklist 92 (15 September 1995): 184.
8. Campbell, Hilbert H. “Sherwood Anderson and Thomas Wolfe.” Resources for American Literary Study 21 (1995): 58-67.
9. Enniss, Stephen. A Review of A Reader’s Guide to the Short Stories of Sherwood Anderson by Judy Jo Small. In The Winesburg Eagle 20 (Winter 1995): 11-12.
10. Foley, Barbara. “Jean Toomer’s Sparta.” American Literature 67 (December 1995): 747-776.
11. Greasley, Philip. “Sherwood Anderson’s Oral Tradition.” Midwestern Miscellany 23 (1995): 9-16.
12. Harris, Richard C. “Sherwood Anderson and Willa Cather: Fragments to Shore Against the Ruins.” The Winesburg Eagle 20 (Summer 1995): 9-12.
13. Hassler, Patricia. A Review of Dearest Wilding by Yvette Szekely Eastman. In Booklist 91 (July 1995): 1853.
14. Hurt, James. A Review of White Collar Fictions: Class and Social Representation in American Literature, 1885-1925 by Christopher P. Wilson. In Modern Language Review 90 (January 1995): 161-2.
15. Kennedy, J. Gerald. “From Anderson’s Winesburg to Carver’s Cathedral: The Short Story Sequence and the Semblance of Community.” In Modern American Short Story Sequences: Composite Fictions and Fictive Communities, 194-215. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
16. Kulis, Margaret. “Sherwood Anderson Checklist: 1992-3.” The Winesburg Eagle 20 (Winter 1995): 8-11.
17. Lindsay, Clarence. “The Unrealized City in Sherwood Anderson’s Windy McPherson’s Son and Marching Men.“ Midwestern Miscellany 23 (1995): 17-27.
18. Miller, Paul. “The Importance of Sherwood Anderson’s ‘Queer’ Brother Earl.” The Winesburg Eagle 20 (Summer 1995): 3-8.
19. Miller, Paul. “Sherwood Anderson’s Creative Distortion of his Sister Stella’s Character in The Memoirs.” Midwestern Miscellany 23 (1995): 40-50.
20. Modlin, Charles. “Sherwood Anderson’s Dreams.” The Winesburg Eagle 20 (Winter 1995): 4-8.
21. Needham, George. A Review of Pig Cookies and Other Stories by Alberto Rios. In Booklist 91 (1 May 1995): 1553.
22. Rideout, Walter B. “Dark Laughter Revisited.” The Winesburg Eagle 20 (Winter 1995): 1-4.
23. Small, Judy Jo. “Hemingway v. Anderson: The Final Rounds.” The Hemingway Review 14 (Spring 1995): 1-17.
24. Wixson, Douglas. “Sherwood Anderson and Midwestern Literary Radicalism in the 1930s.” Midwestern Miscellany23 (1995): 28-39.
Additional Listings
B. Articles, Chapters, and Discussions
1. Anderson, David D. “Mark Twain, Sherwood Anderson, and Midwestern Modernism.” Midamerica 20 (1994): 73-81.