By Ray Lewis White
Whatever Sherwood Anderson thought of the many students and teachers who wrote to ask him for books, autographs, advice, recommendations, and explanations, the author was fortunate that his life and his writings did attract the curiosity and the energy of numerous academic individuals. For without the enthusiastic teaching of Anderson’s fiction in classrooms from secondary school through graduate school and without the continuing scholarly debate over Anderson’s proper historical and critical whereabouts, even Winesburg, Ohio might have gone out of print and Anderson might have become only another once-promising Midwestern author, a name among others in lists of influences on Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Faulkner.
But Anderson even before his death in 1941 became the subject of the graduate-school theses and dissertations that would form the basis of continuing analysis, biography, and bibliography. Anderson theses and dissertations frequently became published volumes (Fagin, Sutton, Hoffman, Mann, Taylor, Ingram, Curry, Fanning, Hilfer, Idema, and Bruyère, among others); and the early theses written by Dinsmoor, Davenport, and Kintner and the dissertations written by Sutton and Phillips even yet aid biographers in their discoveries. The critical judgments of Fagin, Hoffman, Hilton, and Thurston pioneered lengthy and thorough analyses; and the bibliographical thesis completed by Gozzi in 1947 actually founded secondary Anderson bibliography. Gozzi’s catalogue of Anderson publications in periodicals inspired (and formed much content in) the Sheehy / Lohf bibliography (1960), a book which led to the secondary bibliography of White (1977); the short-fiction guide by Small (1994); and the continuing lists of Anderson studies in The Winesburg Eagle. Thus I have compiled this new list of dissertations (for doctoral degrees), theses (for master’s degrees), and undergraduate honors and seminar essays (for bachelor’s degrees) that have found their way into permanent college and university collections and that are worthy of discovery and study by students of Anderson and American literature. I attempt here to correct errors in previous lists of Anderson studies (including errors in my own publications), and I think that this record of 227 entries at least doubles the number of dissertations, theses, and research papers hitherto enumerated.
- Aarnes, Jane. “Sexual Fulfillment in Anderson’s Women Characters: Theme and Variations.” Thesis, Bowling Green, 1963.
- Abrams, Ann. “Heightening Sensitivity to the Human Condition through Novels.” Thesis, San Diego State, 1984.
- Anderson, David Daniel. “Sherwood Anderson and the Meaning of the American Experience.” Dissertation, Michigan State, 1960.
- Anderson, Judith V. “The Egg versus the Machine in Sherwood Anderson’s “Triumph of the Egg.” thesis, Colorado State, 1967.
- Ardat, Ahmad Khalil. “A Linguistic Analysis of the Prose Styles of Ernest Hemingway, Sherwood Anderson, and Gertrude Stein.” Dissertation, Miami (Ohio), 1978.
- Babbs, John E. “John O’Hara’s Assembly: Descendant of Winesburg, Ohio” thesis, Ohio State, 1962.
- Bade, Dennis Eugene. “Sherwood Anderson: The Machine and the Horse as Symbols.” Thesis, Emory, 1974.
- Banduk, Maria Lucia Alves. “A Translation of Three American Short Stories.” Thesis, Bucknell, 1991.
- Barillas, William David. “Place and Landscape in Midwestern American Literature.” Dissertation, Michigan State, 1994.
- Barks, Cathy W. “The Second Act: American Autobiography and the Moderns.” Dissertation, Maryland, 1995.
- Barringer, Bobby Dewayne, Jr. “‘From Boyd City to the Big City and Beyond’: Six Stories with a Critical Introduction.” Thesis, North Texas, 1993.
- Boing, Jessica. “Primitivism in Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio and Jean Toomer’s Cane.” Thesis, North Carolina State, 1979.
- Bousquet, Elizabeth, Sister. “The Twain Tradition: Sherwood Anderson, Ernest Hemingway, Stephen Crane.” Thesis, Montreal, 1968.
- Brown, Sheila Goodman. “A Carnival of Fears: Affirmation in the Postmodern American Grotesque.” Dissertation, Florida State, 1992.
- Bruyère, Claire. “L’Oeuvre de Sherwood Anderson: Sentiment d’Impuissance et Création Littéraire.” Dissertation, Paris, 1982.
- Byrne, Mary Ellen Morris. “An Exploration of the Literary Relationship between Sherwood Anderson and William Faulkner.” Dissertation, Temple, 1975.
- Carabine, Keith. “‘A Pretty Good Unity’: A Study of Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio and Ernest Hemingway’s In Our Time.” Dissertation, Yale, 1978.
- Carlson, G. Bert, Jr. “Sherwood Anderson’s Political Mind: The Activist Years.” Dissertation, Maryland, 1966.
- Carr, Edward F. “Sherwood Anderson, Champion of Women.” Thesis, Pittsburgh, 1946.
- Chung, Chenchun Peter. “Sherwood Anderson’s Early Fiction: A Study in Culture, Psychology, and Technique.” Dissertation, Hawaii, 1992.
- . Ciancio, Ralph A. “The Grotesque in Modern American Fiction, an Existential Theory.” Dissertation, Pittsburgh, 1964.
- Cochran, Virginia Ruth G. “Welcome to Winesburg: A Dramatic Reading of Two Stories from Winesburg, Ohio, by Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Ball State, 1965.
- Coker, Jeffrey W. “A Leftward Glance: The Depression Era Politics of Dreiser, Dos Passos, and Anderson.” Thesis, Southwest Texas, 1994.
- Cole, Janice Ellen. “Many Marriages: Sherwood Anderson’s Controversial Novel.” Dissertation, Michigan, 1965.
- Coonley, Donald E. “The Fall in Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, South Florida, 1969.
- Crist, Robert Lenhart. “Sherwood Anderson’s Dark Laughter: Sources, Composition, and Reputation.” Dissertation, Chicago, 1966.
- Curry, Martha Mulroy. “The ‘Writer’s Book’ by Sherwood Anderson: A Critical Edition.” Dissertation, Loyola (Chicago), 1972.
- Davenport, Kenneth. “Sherwood Anderson: An Appreciation of His Life and Fiction.” Thesis, Fort Hays State, 1937.
- Davis, Dale W. “A Thematic Study of Winesburg, Ohio: The Conflict Between Material and Human Values.” Thesis, Oklahoma, 1963.
- DeFazio, Albert John. “A Reassessment of the Influence of Sherwood Anderson and Gertrude Stein upon Ernest Hemingway.” Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic, 1985.
- Defoe, Jeanne A. “Sherwood Anderson’s Critical Theory and Literary Practice.” Thesis, Oklahoma State, 1968.
- Deich, Frances. “The Inversse Moralism of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Oregon, 1937.
- Dinsmoor, Mary Helen. “An Inquiry into the Life of Sherwood Anderson as Reflected in His Literary Works.” Thesis, Ohio Univ., 1939.
- Dorwart, Jack Hoff. “A Study of Dark-Light Imagery in Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, Washington (Seattle), 1977.
- Duffy, Donald D. “The Moral Codes of the Adolescents of Clemens, Anderson, and Salinger.” Thesis, Oklahoma State, 1963.
- Durham, John Edward. “The Critical Reception of the Short Stories of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Duke, 1956.
- Duty, Michael. “Two Views of the American Small Town: Sherwood Anderson and Sinclair Lewis.” Thesis, Midwestern, 1975.
- Eaton, Dallas B. “Truths and the Grotesques in Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, California State, 1973.
- Eden, Walter Anthony. “A Critical Approach to Autobiography: Techniques and Themes in Sherwood Anderson, Benedetto Croce, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Richard Wright.” Dissertation, New York Univ., 1975.
- Elston, Suzanne Poteet. “Garrison Keillor and American Literary Traditions.” Thesis, North Texas, 1988.
- English, James Wilson. “A Limiting of Perspective.” Thesis, Virginia, 1981.
- Enniss, Stephen C. “Alienation and Affirmation: Sherwood Anderson and the Good Life.” Thesis, Georgia, 1987.
- Erickson, Beverly A. “Syntactic Patterms in the Writing of Sherwood Anderson and Sinclair Lewis.” Thesis, San Diego State, 1964.
- Eschelmüller, Valerie. “Sherwood Anderson: Versuch einer Kritischen Betrachtung Seines Prosawerkes.” Dissertation, Vienna, 1955.
- Esplugas, Celia. “Female Sexual Encounters in Works by Sherwood Anderson and Manuel Puig and Existential Themes and Literary Techniques in Sherwood Anderson’s and Manuel Puig’s Works.” Dissertation, Toledo, 1981.
- Evans, Deborah Marie. “Anderson’s Winesburg, Jewett’s Pointed Firs, and the Creation of a New Genre.” Thesis, North Carolina (Chapel Hill), 1991.
- Fagin, Nathan Bryllion. “The Phenomenon of Sherwood Anderson: A Study in Contemporary American Life and Letters.” Thesis, George Washington, 1924.
- Fanning, Michael Wilson. “France and Sherwood Anderson.” Dissertation, Arkansas, 1971.
- Feldman, Eugene. “The Isolation of the Individual as Seen by Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Columbia, 1947.
- Ferres, John H. “The Right Place and the Right People: Sherwood Anderson’s Search for Salvation.” Dissertation, Louisiana State, 1959.
- Finkel, Jan Monroe. “Techniques of Portraying the Grotesque Character in Selected Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Sherwood Anderson, and Joseph Heller.” Dissertation, Indiana, 1973.
- Finley, Mary Sue. “Leaves of Autumn: Sherwood Anderson and the Season of Epiphany.” Thesis, Houston, 1973.
- Finnegan, Michael John. “The Beautiful and the Grotesque: An Evaluation of Sherwood Anderson’s Short Fiction Craftsmanship.” Dissertation, Rhode Island, 1982.
- Fioravanti, Joseph A. “A Comparative Study of the Grotesques in Sherwood Anderson and Hawthorne.” Thesis, New York, 1952.
- Frame, Gary A. “William Faulkner and Sherwood Anderson: A Study of a Literary Relationship.” Thesis, British Columbia (Canada), 1968.
- Gage, Barbara Murel. “Correspondence: Sherwood Anderson and Benjamin W. Huebsch, 1918-1925.” Thesis, George Washington, 1968.
- Gavaldon, Loraine. “A Definition of Tragedy as Found in the Works of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, California State (Sacramento), 1960.
- Gentile, James Michael. “Sherwood Anderson and the Rewriting of American History.” Dissertation, Columbia, 1992.
- Gilman, Owen W. “Sherwood Anderson: Marriage and the Artist.” Thesis, North Carolina (Chapel Hill), 1973.
- Glaberson, Eric Abraham. “Historical Humanism in the Work of Two New York Intellectuals: Irving Howe and Alfred Kazin.” Dissertation, New York Univ., 1982.
- Göbel, Walter. “Sherwood Anderson: Ästhetizimus als Kulturphilosophie.” Dissertation, Heidelberg, 1982.
- Gokcen, Nilsen. “Societal Fragmentation and Problems of Communication in Sherwood Anderson’s Major Fiction.” Dissertation, Kent State, 1994.
- Goldman, Irene Carolyn. “Captains of Industry and Their Mates: A New Look at the American Business Novel from Howells to Dreiser.” Dissertation, Boston, 1986.
- Goodson, Rita Annette. “Influences of Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio on Jean Toomer’s Writing of Cane.” Thesis, Iowa State, 1974.
- Gottschall, Marcia Petty. “A Key to Isolation in the Fiction of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Texas Tech, 1970.
- Gozzi, Raymond Dante. “A Descriptive Bibliography of Sherwood Anderson’s Contributions to Periodicals.” Thesis, Columbia, 1947.
- Grant, Jean B. “The Experimental Novel.” Undergraduate Essay, Catawba, 1975.
- Greasley, Philip Alan. “American Vernacular Poetry: Studies in Whitman, Sandburg, Anderson, Masters, and Lindsay.” Dissertation, Michigan State, 1975.
- Greenough, Sarah Eden. “Alfred Stieglitz’s Photographs of Clouds.” Dissertation, New Mexico, 1984.
- Gridley, Roy Elliott. “Sherwood Anderson: A Study in the Creation of Fiction.” Thesis, Brown, 1959.
- Griffith, Malcolm Anstett. “The Grotesque in American Fiction.” Dissertation, Ohio State, 1966.
- Gronna, Anne T. M. “Analysis of Two Stories by Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Iowa State, 1949.
- Grosch, Anthony Richard. “Chicago Novels: An Introduction for Teachers.” Dissertation, Northwestern, 1979.
- Gross, Gregory Walter. “Epiphany in James Joyce, Sherwood Anderson, and Thomas Wolfe.” Undergraduate Essay, Tulane, 1986.
- Guo, Qing. “The Perception of a Self: A Comparison of In Our Time and Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, Clark, 1990.
- Haggart, Marjory Archer. “Naturalism in Selected Titles of Sinclair Lewis and Sherwood Anderson.” Undergraduate Essay, North Dakota State, 1964.
- Hampton, Wade Gorrell. “The Idealization and Imitation of Animals in Sherwood Anderson’s Fiction.’ Thesis, North Carolina (Chapel Hill), 1981.
- Hanley, Richard Eugene. “Place to Place: A Study of the Movement between the City and Country in Selected Twentieth-Century American Fiction.” Dissertation, New York (Binghamton), 1981.
- Harper, Lawrence S. “Three Essays: Toward a Singular ‘They’; Theme and Style in Sherwood Anderson’s ‘The Untold Lie’; Feminist Perspectives in Henry James’ The Bostonians.” Thesis, Brigham Young, 1986.
- Hart, Robert Charles. “Writers on Writing: The Opinions of Six Modern American Novelists on the Craft of Fiction.” Dissertation, Northwestern, 1954.
- Harvey, Cathy Chance. “Lyle Saxon: A Portrait in Letters, 1917-1945.” Dissertation, Tulane, 1980.
- Harvey, Cyrus I. “Sherwood Anderson’s Natural History of Winesburg.” Undergraduate Essay, Harvard, 1948.
- Haught, Viva Elizabeth. “The Influence of Walt Whitman on Sherwood Anderson and Carl Sandburg.” Thesis, Duke, 1936.
- Haynes, Aldemeda S. “Small Town Life in the Writings of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis. George Peabody, 19467.
- Hickerson, Jerry H. “The Critical Reputation of Sherwood Anderson since His Death.” Thesis, Kent State, 1968.
- Higgs, Robert Jackson. “Sports and the Athlete in the Work of Sherwood Anderson, Ring Lardner, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.” Thesis, Tennessee, 1964.
- Hilfer, Anthony Channell. “The Revolt from the Village in American Literature, 1915-1930.” Dissertation, North Carolina (Chapel Hill), 1963.
- Hill, Jean Marie. “Sherwood Anderson: Man Lives Alone.” Thesis, Nebraska (Omaha), 1964.
- Hiller, Barbara Anne. “A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, Radford, 1975.
- Hilton, Earl Raymond. “The Purpose and Method of Sherwood Anderson.” Dissertation, Minnesota, 1950.
- Hipkiss, Robert Arthur. “The Values of Expatriation for the Major American Novelists, 1914-1941.” Dissertation, California (Los Angeles), 1966.
- Hoffman, Frederick John. “Freudianism: A Study of Influences and Reactions, Especially as Revealed in the Fiction of James Joyce, D. H. Lawrence, Sherwood Anderson, and Waldo Frank.” Dissertation, Ohio State, 1943.
- Holleran, Thomas R. “An Inquiry into Freudian Concepts in Sherwood Anderson’s Dark Laughter.” Thesis, Virginia Commonwealth, 1950.
- Houston, James Dudley. “Three Varieties of Grotesquerie in Twentieth Century American Fiction: A Study of Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, Stanford, 1962.
- Hughes, Donald F. “A study of Mysticism int he Writings of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis Syracuse, 1950
- Hughes, Robert Lee. “The Flight and the Search: The Quest for Creativity in the Novels of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Oklahoma, 1956.
- Humphries, David Marshall. “Winesburg, Ohio: The Struggle for Dignity.” Thesis, Bucknell, 1969.
- Hunker, M. Beth Sterner. “Gertrude Stein: A Rationale and Content for an Introduction to the Aesthetics of Modernism.” Dissertation, Ohio State, 1980.
- Idema, Henry, III. “A Psychoanalytic Theory of Secularization in Three Novelists: Sherwood Anderson, Ernest Hemingway, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.” Dissertation, Chicago, 1987.
- Ingram, Forrest L. “Representative Twentieth Century Short Story Cycles: Studies in a Literary Genre.” Dissertation, Southern California, 1967.
- Jackson, James Allan. “Breaking through the Walls: The Use of Touch in Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, South Florida, 1988.
- Jackson, Kenny. “A Critical Bibliography of Novels Written about Chicago: 1900-1948.” Thesis, Northwestern, 1950.
- Jarrett, Blanche Hargrove. “Sherwood Anderson: Poet and Mystic.” Thesis, North Carolina State, 1984.
- Johnson, JoAnn. “The Search for a New Society for Old Visions: A Comparison of the Grotesque in Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio with the Grotesque in Maxwell Bodenheim’s Novels.” Thesis, Kansas, 1963.
- Kanno, Keiko. “Tragic Dimensions in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter and Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, DePaul, 1979.
- Kennedy, John W. “‘The Backward View of Life’: The Initiation Theme of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Ohio State, 1986.
- Kermane, Bruce N. “Excessive Truth: Sherwood Anderson and the American Grotesque.” Dissertation, Sussex, 1980.
- King, Kathleen M. “Gossip: Right Here in River City.” Dissertation, Nebraska (Lincoln), 1984.
- Kintner, Evelyn. “Sherwood Anderson-Small Town Man, A Study of the Growth, Revolt, and Reconciliation of a Small Town Man.” Thesis, Bowling Green, 1942.
- Kirk, Gene Conrad. “The Short Fiction of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Western Illinois, 1966.
- Kisawadkorn, Kriengsak. “American Grotesque from Nineteenth Century to Modernism: The Latter’s Acceptance of the Exceptional.” Dissertation, North Texas, 1994.
- Kisner, Madeleine, Sister. “Color in the Worlds and Works of Poe, Hawthorne, Crane, Anderson, and Welty.” Dissertation, Michigan, 1975.
- Klein, Alfons. “Figurenkonzeption und Erzaehlform in den Kurzgeschichten Sherwood Andersons.” Dissertation, Göttingen, 1978.
- Klein, Marie Annette. “The Stalled Traveller: A New Approach to the Full-Length Works of Sherwood Anderson.” Dissertation, Illinois, 1973.
- Klimczak, Robert Louis. “Sherwood Anderson’s Dark Laughter: A Reconsideration.” Thesis, Alaska (Anchorage), 1992.
- Kores, Maryjo A. “The Search for Personal Identity and Meaning in Sister Carrie, Winesburg, Ohio, and the Novels of Herbert Gold.” Thesis, Ohio State, 1960.
- Kraft, Robert George. “Sherwood Anderson, Bisexual Bard: Some Chapters in a Literary Biography.” Dissertation, Washington (Seattle), 1969.
- Larson, Thomas W. “Culture as Social Process in Fiction of the Left: Michael Gold, Richard Wright, and Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, California (San Diego), 1987.
- Lemmon, Dallas Marion, Jr. “The Rovelle, or the Novel of Interrelated Stories: M. Lermontov, G. Keller, S. Anderson.” Dissertation, Indiana, 1970.
- Lenox, Winfield Scott. “The Significance of Sherwood Anderson’s Poetry.” Thesis, Loyola (Chicago), 1961.
- Lewin, Lois S. “Social Theory in the Work of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Pittsburgh, 1960.
- Lewis, Glen E. “The Treatment of the Negro in the Works of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1968.
- Lewis, Jane Karen. “Sherwood Anderson’s Concept of Art and the Artist: Its Influence on the Style and Form of His Novels.” Thesis, Texas (Austin), 1963.
- Llewellyn, Dara Virginia. “Short Story Boundaries.” Dissertation, Iowa, 1992.
- Lockford, Joyce Claire. “Sherwood Anderson and the Great Adventure: His Subjective Interpretation of Human Reality.” Thesis, Utah, 1959.
- Love, Glen A. “Sherwood Anderson’s American Pastoral.” Dissertation, Washington (Seattle), 1964.
- Lowery, Burling Hunt. “A Study of Sherwood Anderson’s Short Stories.” Thesis, Cornell, 1946.
- Lu, Cheng-Hong. “The Art and Unity of Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, Northeast Missouri, 1974.
- Lundkvist, Artur. “Tre Amerikaner: Dreiser, Lewis, Anderson.” Thesis, Stockholm, 1939.
- Luscher, Robert Michael. “American Regional Short Story Sequences.” Dissertation, Duke, 1984.
- MacPherson, Olive Beatrice. “The Romantic Natauralism of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Boston, 1938.
- Madsen, Paula K. “The Evolution of Sherwood Anderson’s Thought.” Undergraduate Essay, Western Washington, 1970.
- Maekawa, Reiko. “Sherwood Anderson: A Critical Study of His Early Writings (1909-1921).” Thesis, Case Western Reserve, 1981.
- Mann, Susan Garland. “A Bibliographic and Generic Study of the Short Story Cycle: Essays on Dubliners, Winesburg, Ohio, In Our Time, Pastures of Heaven, and Go Down, Moses.” Dissertation, Miami (Ohio), 1984.
- Marshall, Lucille May. “The Critical Reception of Sherwood Anderson’s Fiction.” Thesis, Wyoming, 1960.
- Mayers, Oswald Joseph. “D. H. Lawrence Compared: Essays on His Literary Affinities with Hawthorne, Anderson, and Hemingway.” Dissertation, Oregon, 1981.
- McCabe, Tracy Graham, “Resisting Primitivism: Race, Gender, and Power in Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance.” Dissertation, Wisconsin, 1994.
- McCann, Michael James. “Symbolic Imagery in the Fiction of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Queen’s (Canada), 1982.
- McCarty, Rebekah Gray. “Oral Tradition in the Short Stories of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Angelo State (TX), 1993.
- McCullough, Ann Catherine. “A History of B. W. Huebsch, Publisher.” Dissertation, Wisconsin (Madison), 1979.
- McDermott, Darrelyn. “Winesburg, Ohio: A Study in Sterility and Loneliness.” Thesis, Eastern Washington, 1992.
- McIntyre, Ralph Elwood. “The Short Stories of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Columbia, 1949.
- McKenna, Irene. “The Grotesque in the Early Novels of Sherwood Anderson and Luigi Pirandello.” Dissertation, California (Los Angeles), 1978.
- McNeely, Darrell W. “Jean Toomer’s Cane and Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio: A Black Reaction to the Literary Conventions of the Twenties.” Dissertation, Nebraska, 1974.
- McNicol, Elinore Campbell. “The American Scene as Sherwood Anderson Depicts It.” Thesis, Colorado, 1934.
- Menkin, Gabriel A. “Structure in Sherwood Anderson’s Fiction.” Dissertation, Pittsburgh, 1968.
- Meyer, Avis Edward. “Literary Journalism: A Chronicle of Influence and Association from Addison and Steele, to Dreiser, Anderson, and Hemingway.” Dissertation, St. Louis, 1979.
- Miller, Jackie Lynn Stewart. “The Controversy Surrounding the Influence of Freudianism on the Writing of Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, Southern Illinois (Carbondale), 1983.
- Miller, William Vaughn. “The Technique of Sherwood Anderson’s Short Stories.” Dissertation, Illinois, 1968.
150. Moore, Anne Grigsby. “Sherwood Anderson, the Artist.” Thesis, Mississippi, 1958. - Moore, David Ryan. “Exiled America: Sherwood Anderson, Thomas Hart Benton, Benjamin A. Botkin, Constance Rourke, Arthur Raper and the Great Depression.” Dissertation, Brown, 1992.
- Morreale, Mark James. “The Question of Audience in Winesburg, Ohio and The Pastures of Heaven.” Thesis, Ohio Univ., 1987.
- Moses, William Robert. “Sherwood Anderson: His Life, His Philosophy, His Books and What Has Been Said About Him.” Thesis, Vanderbilt, 1933.
- Mouscher, Karen-Elisabeth. “Sherwood Anderson: The Early Advertising Years.” Dissertation, Northwestern, 1986.
- Mueller, Frances Heckathorne. “The American Scene in Sherwood Anderson’s Novels.” Thesis, Columbia, 1947.
- Needham, Sylvan Eugene. “Logan First Ward: Literary Reflections on Mormon Community Life.” Thesis, Utah State, 1994.
- Nemanic, Gerald. “‘Talbot Whittingham’: An Annotated Edition of the Text Together with a Descriptive and Critical Essay.” Dissertation, Arizona, 1969.
- Nerney, James K. “Henry Adams and Sherwood Anderson: Art and Women in America.” Thesis, Boston College, 1962.
- Palmieri, Anthony. “Sherwood Anderson and Ernest Hemingway: Literary Relationships.” Thesis, Maryland, 1966.
- Papinchak, Robert Allen. “Beginnings, Middles, and Ends: A Study of the American Short Story.” Dissertation, Wisconsin, 1972.
- Pepper, Linda F. “The Grotesques: Studies in Willful Fanaticism.” Thesis, South Florida, 1973.
- Peronne, Maureen B. “Alienation in Sherwood Anderson’s Fiction.” Thesis, Maryland, 1967.
- Petschan, Wolfgang. “Aesthetische Positionen und weltanschaeulich-politischer Standort des US-Amerikanischen Schriftstellers Sherwood Anderson.” Dissertation, Greifswald, 1985.
- Pfeiffer, William Sanborn. “An Edition of Sherwood Anderson’s ‘Mary Cochran.'” Dissertation, Kent State, 1975.
- Phillips, William Louis. “Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio: Its Origins, Composition, Technique, and Reception.” Dissertation, Chicago, 1949.
- Pingree, Allison. “‘It’s Two that Makes the Trouble’: Figures of Replication in the Fiction of Mark Twain, Sherwood Anderson, Eudora Welty and Carson McCullers.” Dissertation, Harvard, 1992.
- Piper, James Kenneth. “The Novel of Stories: Form and Content in Four Collections of Related Short Stories.” Thesis, San Francisco State, 1965.
- Piron, Alice Marie O’Mara. “Urban Metaphor in American Art and Literature, 1910-1930.” Dissertation, Northwestern, 1982.
- Poppe, Hans Wolfgang. “Psychological Motivations in the Writings of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Southern California, 1948.
- Potter, Hugh McClellan. “The ‘Romantic Nationalists’ of the 1920’s.” Dissertation, Minnesota, 1964.
- Powers, Margaret Ellen. “‘The Unstrung Balloon’: A Study of Narrative Devices in Nineteenth-Century American Fiction.” Dissertation, Minnesota, 1981.
- Quinlan, Jane. “Sherwood Anderson’s Contribution to the American Novel: A Study of the Style, Themes, and Characterization in Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, Niagara, 1972.
- Raglow, Stephen M. “A Men’s Studies Analysis of Sherwood Anderson’s Many Marriages.” Thesis, Bowling Green, 1991.
- Raspaillaire, Jeanne Henrietta. “The Use of the Oral Idiom in the Modern American Novel.” Thesis, Ohio State, 1941.
- Rea, Paul Wesley. “A Teacher’s Guide to the Modern American Short Story.” Dissertation, Ohio State, 1970.
- Reed, Max Robert. “The Emergence of the Grotesque Hero in the Contemporary American Novel, 1919-1972.” Thesis, North Texas, 1976.
- Reed, P. Larus. “The Integrated Short-Story Collection: Studies of a Form of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Fiction.” Dissertation, Indiana, 1974.
- Reid, Tammy. “Eden and Utopia: The Theme of American Innocence in Sherwood Anderson’s Poor White and Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, Eastern Washington, 1971.
- Renalds, Brenda H. “Sherwood Anderson: Dramatist.” Thesis, Richmond, 1967.
- Reser, James A. “Sherwood Anderson: Country Newspaper Editor-Owner-Publisher.” Thesis, East Tennessee, 1964.
- Rhinesmith, Susan Clary. “Artistry and Form in Sherwood Anderson’s Short Stories-1914-1926.” Thesis, Stanford, 1964.
- Riedell, Karyn Lea. “The Struggle Toward Androgyny: A Study of Selected American Writers.” Dissertation, Arizona State, 1984.
- Rigas, Ellen Kristen. “An American Generation in Transition, 1870-1918: A Historical and Literary Perspective.” Undergraduate Essay, Harvard, 1982.
- Risley, Edward H., Jr. “Sherwood Anderson: The Philosophy of Failure.” Undergraduate Essay, Harvard, 1939.
- Rogers, Albert Alan. “The Small Town in American Literature: A Study of the Small Town in America as Illustrated Particularly by the Stories of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Auburn, 1931.
- Rogers, Douglas Gerson. “A Critical Edition of Sherwood Anderson’s Many Marriages.” Dissertation, Chicago, 1982.
- Rothweiler, Robert Liedel. “Ideology and Four Radical Novelists: The Response to Communism of Dreiser, Anderson, Dos Passos, and Farrell.” Dissertation, Washington (St. Louis), 1960.
- Sabukewicz, Charles J., Jr. “A Study of Sherwood Anderson’s Use of Myth in Winesburg, Ohio and Poor White.” Thesis, Rhode Island, 1965.
- Sanderson, Arthur Marshall. “Sherwood Anderson’s Philosophy of Life as Shown by the Actions of Characters in His Novels.” Thesis, Montana State, 1948.
- Schofer, Erna. “Untersuchungen über Sherwood Andersons Short Stories.” Dissertation, Vienna, 1960.
- Schorr, Mark. “Sherwood Anderson’s Imagination: History and Fiction.” Dissertation, Harvard, 1974.
- Sebastian, Dillard Floyd, Jr. “Sherwood Anderson’s Theory of Art.” Dissertation, Louisiana State, 1972.
- Shaw, Harry Walter. “Beyond the Grotesque: Relationships between Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio and McCuller’s The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter.” Thesis, Oklahoma State, 1978.
- Shawver, Jurgen Michael. “Sexuality and Human Development in Winesburg, Ohio.” Dissertation, Nebraska (Lincoln), 1978.
- Shea, Jerome Paul. “Sherwood Anderson, Charles Burchfield, and the American Small Town.” Dissertation, New Mexico, 1975.
- Shelton, Kay Trevathan. “Sherwood Anderson: Sexist as Artist.” Thesis, Southern Methodist, 1974.
- Silverman, Raymond Joel. “The Short Story Composite: Forms, Functions, and Applications.” Dissertation, Michigan, 1970.
- Skeels, George. “Sherwood Anderson: FAlse Gods in Modern American Society.” Thesis, Idaho, 1951.*
- Smith, Larry R. “A Story Teller’s Telling: Sherwood Anderson’s Narrative Technique in Achievement of His Higher Realism.” Thesis, Kent State, 1969.
- Smith, Philip Alan. “Dark Laughter: A Prose Poem.” Thesis, Adelphi, 1973.
- Smith, Sara Frances. “Poe and Anderson: A Study in the Tradition of the Short Story.” Thesis, Alabama Polytechnic, 1949.
- Solari, Rosetta. “Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Forscari )Italy), 1946.
- Somers, Paul Preston, Jr. “Sherwood Anderson and Ernest Hemingway: Influences and Parallels.” Dissertation, Pennsylvania State, 1971.
- Sorensen, Randolph Groo. “Sherwood Anderson: The Twisted Apples.” Undergraduate Essay, Utah, 1967.
- Spears, Timothy Baird. “Changing Custom: Traveling Salesmen in American Culture.” Dissertation, Harvard, 1989.
- Spencer, Patrice Grassinger. “George Willard’s Progress toward Maturity in Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, Eastern Illinois, 1975.
- Spielmacher, Mark. “Using Lacan to Understand the Grotesque in Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, Waterloo (Canada), 1993.
- Stallard, Charles K. “Sherwood Anderson’s Criticiam of American Writers.” East Tennessee, 1968.
- Steele, Betty Jean. “The Industrial World of Sherwood Anderson.” Thesis, Duke, 1963.
- Stephens, Rebecca. “Narrative Strategies in Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio.” Thesis, South Florida, 1988.
- Stover, Johnnie Mae. “Gwendolyn Brooks and Sherwood Anderson: Communication vs. Language.” Thesis, Florida Atlantic, 1985.
- Strohl, Dona Ruth. “Materials for the Literary Pen: The Life of Sherwood Anderson Prior to the Literary Career.” Thesis, Illinois, 1948.
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