Implications of backwards analysis

One other question that none of us in group one has yet addressed, that we still need to, is “what are the implications of doing the backwards analysis of the action?”

Simply put, this is a way to better understand the cause and effect relationships between the actions of the play.  For example when doing this analysis straight from the beginning to the end, as we learned in class, one action can lead to many sub-actions, therefore creating a potentially monsterously confusing tree of actions.  When working from the back to the front however, when you pick an action, there is ONLY ONE other action that could have caused this to occur and therefore it is much easier to find the single cause than it is to find multiple effects.

Without doing the analysis backwards, some actions could be missed entirely if one action has four or more sub-actions branching from it, so it is also more thourough to do the analysis from back to front.

— Logan