Exposition and Forward, Act 2, Scene 1

Sam Beaver, Act 2 Sc. 1, Exposition

  •  Angelo tells Escalus that the law must be rigid, immobile. (Some know)
  • Escalus tells Angelo that they shouldn’t kill Claudio because no one is faultless, and his crime was not that severe.
  • Escalus acknowledges the dangerous balance between sympathy and legality, and feels bad for Claudio.


  •  Escalus warns Angelo not to be too tough with the law, because he might end up committing a crime himself one day, but Angelo says he wants the law to treat him strictly if he ever does fail. (Foreshadowing his indiscretions)

Though this scene is mainly for the comedy of Elbow, Froth and Pompey, there are still a few major points made about the caracters of Angelo and Escalus.  As we have seen earlier, Escalus is known as the most knowledgeable man in Vienna according to the Duke.  So if he is disagreeing with Angelo’s decisions, what does this say about Angelo?  Perhaps he is not as fit of a leader as they once thought..                                                                                                                                                                                                        Act 2 Sc. 2, Exposition

  • Provost tells Angelo that Juliet is about to give birth. 
  • Isabella goes to Angelo and says though she agrees with the justice system she still wants to save Claudio.
  • Angelo still refuses to save Claudio; Isabella begins to seduce him. (advice from Lucio)
  • Isabella makes him change his mind with her seduction; leads to him telling her to return tomorrow.
  • Angelo desires Isabella because of her virginity and purity, so he plans on bribing her with Claudio’s life. (only Angelo knows this)

