Finding Jobs Marked as Favorites in LawQuest
If you have been reviewing job postings in LawQuest, you probably have figured out how to click on the heart icon associated with a posting to mark it as a Favorite. What may be less obvious is how to find your Favorite postings later. Follow these steps to search for...
Important Summer Employment Search Information
Please see below for some important information to assist you with your summer employment search. Transcript Request If an application requires a transcript, use a copy of your official transcript from the Registrar’s Office. Do not use a printout from BannerWeb. You...
Instructions for Applying to GPIIP and Spring Semester OCI
Instructions for reviewing and applying to GPIIP employers: Login to the VACLSC-Symplicity website and select the Interview Programs tab. Review each employer description and the documents required to apply. You must have a resume uploaded in order to see the Apply...
Tips for OCI Interviews
As we head into the first round of OCI (On Campus Interviews), we wanted to share some last-minute tips from those who interviewed at OCI last year. The CDO asked some rising 3Ls: What was the first question you were asked in the OCI interview? “Tell me about...
Law Firm Pre-Recruiting Opportunities
Some large law firms and federal agencies offer open house and networking opportunities for rising 2Ls (Class of 2025) who plan to apply for 2024 summer associate programs. These in-person and virtual events are intended for law students to get to know the firm before...
Employers Recruiting 2Ls and 3Ls at VACLSC Spring Interview Program (SIP)
Don’t miss opportunities to apply to small and mid-size law firms and other employers through the VACLSC Spring Interview Program (SIP). VACLSC is the Virginia law school consortium of the University of Richmond, Washington & Lee, William & Mary and the...
Area Networking Events – February
Richmond Bar Association (RBA) Litigation Section and Federal Bar Association (FBA) Introduction to the Federal Courthouse Tuesday, Feb. 28 at the U.S. Courthouse. CLE at 2:30 pm and Reception at 4:45 pm. Click Introduction to the Federal Courthouse – Richmond Bar...
Another Record Year for GPIIP
This Friday’s annual Government & Public Interest Interview Program (GPIIP) marks the second straight year of a record-breaking number of employers recruiting students for summer internships and post-graduate positions. A total of 113 employers registered, most of...
Area Networking Events – November/December
RBA Bankruptcy Section Luncheon Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 12:30-2:00 pm at Hilton Downtown. Click Bankruptcy Section Luncheon/CLE – Richmond Bar Association to register. Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys Young Lawyers Boot Camp Friday, Dec. 2 at 9:00 am - 6:30 pm at...
Returning to Live Events This Fall? Know “The Rules”
by Mary Crane The following rules will help anyone successfully navigate a reception or networking event. Introduce yourself. Introducing yourself is the most important thing you’ll do at any event. State your name and provide a descriptor, your own 30-second...
Close with Class
by Mary Crane Over the next few weeks, your time as a summer associate or intern will rapidly come to a close. Do the following ten things to ensure that you leave on a high note: Transition work. Turn in completed work assignments. For any incomplete work that...
Checklist for Summer Associates
by Mary Crane If you are about to start a summer job, you must turn in a superlative performance during the next several weeks. Thus far, your GPA has demonstrated that you are able to acquire legal skills. Your summer employment will give you the opportunity to...