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Your resume serves as a marketing tool to prospective employers. You have approximately 30 seconds to catch an employer’s eye, so your resume must be concise, organized, and targeted to the employer receiving it. Thus, you may have different versions of your resume for different positions. Your resume speaks volumes about your communication skills and serves as a conversational guide during interviews.

Your resume cannot tell your complete story; however, it should highlight your experiences and skills for a particular position so that an employer will be compelled to take a closer look at you by inviting you to interview.

Your resume must be perfect. Many employers receive hundreds of resumes for each open position and are looking for easy ways to narrow the pool of applicants. Proofread your resume and have others also check for typographical and spelling errors and incorrect grammar usage. Avoid the temptation to exaggerate or mislead, as the damage resulting from doing so can be irreparable to your bar fitness eligibility and career.

The Career Development Office (CDO) has developed resume samples and typeable templates. These documents, available on the CDO website, incorporate best practices in resume writing. We encourage you to use these documents as a starting point when creating your resume.

For more specific tips on your resume length and formatting, content to include in the education and experience sections, and a list of action verbs, read the CDO’s Resume Writing Guide.