Summer PHYS 131 Class is On!

The UR physics department is trying to offer a section of physics 131 in summer 2017.  (Update: 12/20/2016: We’re definitely gonna do it!)  Here’s how it will work:

  • The course will be offered during the regular six-week May term, May 8 – June 16.  Update 12/20/2016: Due to issues beyond our control, we need to run it May 15 – June 23.
  • Update 12/20/2016: The class will meet five days a week, MTWRF, 4:30-7:15pm.  It needs to meet for 2.75 hours per day to match the number of hours in 131 during the regular semesters.
  • It will be taught by Dr. Alina Cichocki, who has taught 131 here before and was well liked.  The class will use the same textbook and labs as our other 131 sections.
  • It will cost about $1600.  Your financial aid could apply, but apparently only if you take two courses, not just the one.  (Sorry!  We wish we could make it free, but we don’t run this place!)
  • It is generally discouraged to take credit courses at the same time as summer research, and you would need your research advisor’s permission to enroll.  (Consider the time commitment, which probably includes ~2+ hours of studying/homework per day beyond class time.)

This class will definitely be offered this summer, barring an instructor medical crisis, building fire, or an unforeseeable thing like that.  A quick survey showed about a dozen students who are at least somewhat interested, which is well above the minimum of four registered students that we would need to keep the course from being cancelled.  Registration will be open in March.

I will continue to use this post for major updates on this topic, and I will also append a FAQ if there are obvious questions that get asked.

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Matt Trawick holds a B.A. from Oberlin College and a Ph.D. from Ohio State University. He was a postdoctoral fellow and later a lecturer at Princeton University before coming to the University of Richmond as an assistant professor in 2004. His research interests include block copolymers, nanotechnology, and atomic force microscopy.