Tom Mullen: “Using Political News in Teaching”

November 2, 2018 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Richmond Room, Heilman Dining Center

We are inundated daily with political news. Trade War, NATO, Russia, Supreme Court nominees or decisions let alone any local issues that arise during the academic year. How can you leverage this information in your classroom without starting a political war yourself? Tom Mullen, professor and Director of Public Affairs Journalism, successfully crosses this high-wire each semester and will be sharing examples from his own teaching along with ideas for implementation into your class.

Pizza, salad, dessert and beverages provided. Faculty lunch discussion format.

Offered through the Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology at the University of Richmond.

Daniel Hocutt

Web Manager and Adjunct Professor of English for the University of Richmond School of Professional & Continuing Studies.