Parsons Playlists: Costa Rican Music Sampler

Welcome back to Parsons Playlists! Today’s playlist is curated by Music Library associate Melanie and features some music from Costa Rica for International Education Week!

Costa Rican Music Sampler

Map of Costa Rica

Like many other countries in Central and South America, music is an integral part of Costa Rican culture. In fact, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a major celebration in Latin America that is completely silent.

The country’s music derives mostly from Spanish and African music, but is also influenced by the surrounding countries, like Mexico, Cuba and Jamaica.

Downtown San Jose Costa Rica Street Music
Popular throughout Central America, the marimba is the national musical instrument of Costa Rica. This video shows some street musicians in the capital city of San Jose in action.

Walter Ferguson (aka Mr. Gavitt or Segundo)“Cabin in the wata”

Debi Nova“One Rhythm”

Carlos Guzmán“Soy Tico”

Café Surá “Sol Poniente”



Gandhi“El Invisible”


La Banda CR“El Monstruo Del Mar”

Inconsciente Colectivo“Fragil”

Toledo“El Sarpe”

Calle 8“Si Quieres Llorar”

Ojo de Buey ft. Blackdali“Uppercut”

Nakury & La Dame Blanche“Wine”

Leena Bae ft. Sofia Insua“Amor”

Adiós Cometa“Transparente”

Javier Arce“MI ÁNGEL”

Here is a link to the whole playlist on YouTube:

And here is a link to a version of this playlist on Spotify:

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