Category Archives: thematic book list

Teaching Children about Ancient China

In second grade, students study ancient civilizations. One of these civilizations is ancient China. Students learn about the architecture, inventions, and written language of China (SOL 2.1). The resources provided below will activate background knowledge, support instruction, and capture student … Continue reading

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Learning about Rosa Parks

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks made history by simply and courageously refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger. During a time of public, educational, and social segregation, Rosa Parks was one of many who paved the … Continue reading

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Teaching Ancient Greece

Introduction The Ancient Greeks were one of the two groups of people who made significant contribution to society in terms of architecture, government, and sports. The Ancient Greeks have influenced the lives of people today. Books that I chose start … Continue reading

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Teaching History with Children’s Literature: Christopher Newport

  Captain Christopher Newport (1561-1617) was a major figure is the Virginia Company’s voyage to the New World and the establishment of England’s first permanent settlement there. Previously, Captain Newport was a successful sailor with Sir Frances Drake, seized fortunes … Continue reading

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School Around the Globe

I recently received an e-mail with the following request. I need to come up with a collection of children’s books that includes various representations of schools. I was hoping to find books involving schools in other countries and cultures, but … Continue reading

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