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Spring 2016, Page 4

Creed (as of 3/24)

“We believe in the One and only true God, the Maker of all things visible and invisible. We acknowledge One God, who …

The Emperor’s Reflections

I am pleased to read the dissatisfaction many of the bishops experienced with the last debate – I was worried that they …

→ March 23, 2016

On the first day of the council I tried not to blatantly pick a side and instead have the two opposing sides …

Arius’ Airings // Council Day 2

Coming off the previous Council session, I find myself rather bothered by the increasing quarreling that is arising. I know that Alexander …

Council Day Two Evaluation

As expected, this discussion on the nature of the Son was not as simple as the thoughts on the Father. I was …

Council Day One Evaluation

I consider Council Day 1 to have been successful regarding the goal of unity. It was clear in listening to the statements …

The Emperor’s Thoughts: Day 1

As the council has hitherto commenced, I worry that this will be a long and arduous process, hopefully not in vain. My …

Creed Day 1

Overall, I think the council did a very good job in discussing and compromising their views. I was impressed with the Arian …