Practice 10

Yesterday, was our last rehearsal! It it crazy that the end of the semester is here and we are only days away from the performance! Our OSHER participants have worked so hard this semester and I believe it shows! Yesterday, we were finally able to go over our part from start to finish because we almost had everyone there! We were missing two participants, but overall that is better attendance than we had in past rehearsals. It was great to finally be able to do our part start to finish to work out some issues with transitions in-between scenes and blocking. Our part is running about 17 minutes long which is great considering our script is fairly long due to not being able to cut out a lot of important content!

Yesterday, everything came together and a lot of the critiques/suggestions we had been giving the participants were fixed or worked on. Overall, our part looks great and I am so excited to see them perform on Friday. We decided that they will be arriving at 3pm on Friday because they would like to do one last rehearsal in the space. This will be good for seeing if we need to do any last minute changes to blocking or spacing due to the size of the stage.