JSP Final Project Reflection

I really enjoyed seeing all of the different final products come together! It ended up being more interesting and felt less monotonous having each act decide on their own how they wanted to showcase the students’ artwork, action figures, audios, scripts, and videos. I especially enjoyed seeing how some acts used more animated visuals versus hand drawn visuals. Hearing the enthusiasm some of the students really put into voicing their characters was also fun to watch and made me happy that they were able to get a good experience out of it as well. I also thought it was cool how each act followed the same general plot, but interpreted each character differently. For example, Act I’s decision to make Claudio a girl named Claudia instead. This project definitely required a lot of patience when it came to technology, but I think it serves as a good example of how we have learned to adapt to life during this pandemic and were able execute this play virtually. I really commend the teachers and students also for putting in the time to learn about the play and spend time with us virtually adapting it.