Juliana LoPiccolo Blog Post Week 9

Today in rehearsal we only had four Osher participants come. This made it a very interesting rehearsal because we were very limited in what scenes we could rehearse. Despite the lack of attendance, the four participants who did come were so enthusiastic about rehearsing their scenes that it gave us as directors so much energy to work off of.

While we were rehearsing the topic of the d the importance of actors understanding the roles they are portraying came up. We had a lengthy discussion about why professional actors get so invested into their roles and how it aids them in their performances

We also discussed the intentions of Malcolm and how to play the character. We asked the Osher participants what they thought his goals and ambitions were and how that could be portrayed on stage.

All the participants said that after having one of our final rehearsals that they want to return to the text and read the play again to get a better grasp for their characters. The Osher participants also expressed interest in watching a movie version of Macbeth so they could see how others actors portray their characters. I was very pleasantly surprised by how committed the Osher participants were to their parts. I feel very prepared for our final rehearsal next week before the performance and I am very excited and eager to see our Osher participants perform.