OSHER Week 7

Nov 13 2017

Today, we focused on blocking the fight scene between MacDuff and Macbeth. This was a new experience for everyone, so we took any and all suggestions and worked through the scene based on trial and error. I think it is coming along well, and the actors seem to be having fun with it!

I spent much of the rehearsal looking for sound bytes for several scenes in our part of the play that need sound effects. It was difficult to find free effects that were any good, but I searched through many sites to find ones that I think will work. I found a royal trumpet sound for scenes where the king enters, and an ominous “gong” sound for two other scenes. We will incorporate these sounds into rehearsal next time we meet.

We will not meet as a group next week, since many of our participants said they would not be able to make it due to Thanksgiving travel plans. We encouraged the actors to keep working on their lines and blocking!