Act III, Week 1

On Tuesday (9/20), our group visited St. Joseph’s Villa for the first time, and we met with our coordinator, Timone.  He gave us a tour of the campus, and provided some very useful insight on the different groups of kids we might be working with from Brook Road Academy, the Dooley School, and the Dooley Center for Alternative Education.  We briefly spoke with the head of the Brook Road Academy and met three students from the Dooley Center for Alternative Education during our visit.

On Thursday (9/22), our group arrived to St. Joseph’s Villa anticipating our first rehearsal with the kids.  Unfortunately, there was a last minute conflict with another class occurring at the same time as our intended rehearsal.  Therefore, we had to postpone our first meeting.  We still have to organize a time and meeting place that does not conflict with the kids’ classes, so that we can have a stronger and more consistent turn out for the rest of our rehearsals.

For our first rehearsal (whenever that may be), we plan on introducing ourselves and Shakespeare to the kids.  We want to play a few different improv warm up games to get to know each other, to make sure everyone feels comfortable, and to have fun.  We will also describe the basis of the plot of Twelfth Night, and introduce the various characters in Act III to see if any of the kids immediately gravitate towards certain parts.