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Appropriate Play

    Appropriate Play

Susan Nevin 

I chose to go to the production, “Appropriate,” as one of my out of class Jepson Leadership events. This play’s storyline was focused around a family in which the father had just died, so all the grown kids had to come back to their childhood summer home to clean out his belongings and sell the house. When the children arrive, there is a clear conflict and unresolved issues between all of them, and they struggle to each take charge of the project. However, all their issues halt when photos of lynchings are found in their father’s house, along with the body parts of a black person. 

After this horrible situation, the siblings start to take sides. The daughter, Toni, believes that it is just a coincidence, while the two brothers claim that they may not know their father as well as they thought. This also causes a huge divide amongst the siblings, as Toni doesn’t want to think of her father in a negative light, while the brothers claim that she was his obvious favorite. After this, one of their own children finds a Ku Klux Klan hat in the attic, and all hell breaks loose. The siblings begin to fight, and they all leave in a hurry, leaving the house with its horrible secrets.

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