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Julia Borger Blog Post 11/30

After watching the film Dear White People, I was overcome with many thoughts and emotions. My main emotion while watching was a deep sense of discomfort, as the film portrayed a very modern way of life on a college campus, one that could have easily been the University of Richmond. Although it definitely dramatized certain aspects for the film, the underlying message was clear- cut and relatable for anyone attending a prestigious university, which I’m assuming was its intended goal – to rethink our established normal way of life from a different perspective.

One aspect of the film that stuck out to me specifically was just the overall bluntness of the messages and dialogue expressed by the characters. I feel like in movies there are certain topics that are very “hush hush”, especially conversations about race or politics, but in this film that was the plot of the entire story itself, so they were able to talk about those controversial topics without censoring or editing the script, which I thought was very enlightening and definitely brought a refreshing aspect to the film.

I also found myself comparing this film to the previous film we watched, Sorry To Bother You, as they both had a very similar structure and intended goal. Both films brought to life the racism we see on an everyday basis, whether in the workforce or in the education system, but did so in a satire way. I think portraying this topic as a satire had a greater impact on those watching than if the film were produced in a serious tone, because it is indeed a very serious topic but because it is told in this way, the content stands out even more. After watching both these films, I was struck by how they touched some of the biggest problems in our society today with a combination of modern elements, allowing the audience to see many different scenarios that are definitely present in their own lives, to a greater extent.

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  1. Kathrine Yeaw Kathrine Yeaw

    After watching this film I was also left feeling some discomfort. The film was able to highlight situations that could truly happen at any University. At many schools, including Richmond, I think it’s easy to not talk about racism on campus, but with this film, like you said, it is so blunt. I think this is why it’s so successful in giving its message.

  2. Sofia Adams Sofia Adams

    I agree that the blunt nature of the movie made it more effective. I think with an issue as important as racism in general and specifically in a learning environment it is crucial to combat the issue head on with clarity. I find with issues that might make some people uncomfortable for whatever reason the media has a tendency to bury the message. I think it so important to make the purpose of the work known.

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