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Yellow Wallpaper Post 10/14

I thought that The Yellow Wallpaper gave me a different perspective with Charlotte being sick but being told by her husband, who was a wealthy doctor, told her that she was not sick. Since Charlotte’s husband told her that, it was deemed true. The reader gets to dive into Charlotte’s thoughts when she tells the reader that the worst thing to do is to think about the condition, so she starts talking about her house. It almost takes the reader’s mind off the sickness as Charlotte goes into detail about her home. One is left to think about if this is sarcasm coming from Charlotte or if she genuinely trying to take her mind off it. The hard part about reading this story is how she does not get the help that she needs both mentally and physically because she is a woman. This story dives into the unequal treatment that women had to go through. Charlotte did not stand up for herself when she thought that something more could be wrong with her than just being nervous. She took what her husband said and believed it to be true without debating with him. The relationship between Charlotte and John is just an example of the typical household in the 19th century something that I understood but have not heard of a specific story relating to the matter.

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  1. Kayla O'Connell Kayla O'Connell

    I also found it interesting how her husband decided if she was sick or not. She wasn’t able to truly express how she feels and was suppressed by her own husband. It’s crazy to think how this was common for relationships back in the day. The fact that husbands treated their wives like this despite supposedly “loving them” is definitely strange to think about.

  2. Christina Glynn Christina Glynn

    I agree especially with the idea that the reader’s mind gets distracted from the sickness when the house is being described. I find it interesting that the narrator talks about Charlotte’s idea of whether she is sick or not is controlled by her husband because being sick is a physical thing that can often not be hidden.

  3. William Coben William Coben

    It is sickening that John was so controlling and manipulative over his wife that he declared whether or not she was sick. I believe that speaks to the gender disparities of the time, and
    I resent the fact that the world was ever at a point where women’s voices were so unheard and not prioritized.

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