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Event Response #2

In October, I attended the College Democrats and College Republicans debate. Two students debated on the Democrats side and two students debated for the Republicans side with a Moderator asking questions and making sure the debate did not get out of hand or anything. The debate focused on various policy issues which are very relevant in politics right now especially with the race for the 2020 Democratic nominee to take on Donald Trump in November. There were three main policy issues which the debaters focused on: namely gun violence, immigration and the environment. Though the debaters disagreed significantly on all of these issues, they all managed to remain civil and intellectual when addressing the other representatives. The issues which were chosen are each prominent issues which are complex and difficult to untangle or argue. Both sides represented the prominent arguments of the actual Democrat and Republican parties, which become difficult to argue against as they become strengthened into each party and cemented into each member of the respective party.

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