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Event Response 3

During one of my AASU meetings, we had Dr. Lu and Dr. Erkulwater came in and we had like a mini panel for the members of AASU. They talked about how it felt to be one of the only Asian, female faculty members on campus. It was interesting to hear their responses on when students ask them about their ethnicity and how they respond to it.

One of the points hit was that Dr. Erkulwater said it was worse when students did not use “Dr.” but instead said “Mrs.” or something because she earned her degree. She also mentioned how she does not feel obligated to be a mentor like figure to other Asian students necessarily, but that being a mentor comes with the job description so any student who may seek her help, she would be willing to give it.

I found it especially interesting when Dr. Lu said that being one of the only Asian faculty on campus did not bother her that much. She tended not to think about it and when she did get homesick, she would just go home. She mentioned that the most awkward situation she was in on campus was in fact our meeting because it was a specific place that other Asians were gathering, in an area that was not predominantly Asian, and that it was very weird for her. However, it does not deter her from working here because she likes to think of her job as more important than the fact that there are not many other Asians around. Both Dr. Lu and Dr. Erkulwater said they were very happy they liked each other and got along because it would be a bit sad if a few of the only Asians were NOT friends.

I think it is interesting to hear that some of their fears or setbacks are not necessarily from being Asian, but are common feelings that could be expressed by any other professor, especially the “Dr.” thing. They are definitely highly looked upon for us and their help with pulling off Asia week into something a little better than the original plan was greatly appreciated and they put in the work for what they want, regardless of race but because of work habit.

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