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Attacking the Fourth Estate

I think that Archer’s ideas in Attacking the Fourth Estate were very interesting. His usage of politicians’ involvement and disdain towards media was interesting to see along with the data from Donald Trump’s tweets. I do not believe that press is the enemy of the public, however, it does play a role in antagonizing a certain politician through their word usage and biases.

Although bias is inevitable, anything written by a human will have some sort of bias (whether intentional or not), it is more important that the audience is able to understand when it is happening, and pull apart biases from facts. As Archer stated, this bias will be amplified especially if the view is of an opposite party than the news is presenting. Looking at and understanding varieties of news sources can decrease someone from only looking at a source that is framed toward one party.

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  1. Reva Henderson Reva Henderson

    I agree that the media can be bias even if they do not mean to be. Some people use media to polarize the political scene but it’s impressive for us to be able to understand and pick apart biases.

  2. Richard Connell Richard Connell

    I agree I think that all the media is bias in some way but I think that the political scene is so skewed that without bias there would be no simple way for people to understand politics easily.

  3. Marisa Daugherty Marisa Daugherty

    I think that a journalist can try their hardest to write an objective piece and a lot of them are pretty successful at it but you can’t totally remove a writer’s opinions from an article. This just means that you must read more than one article from different sources in order to get a well-rounded view.

  4. Regenia Miller Regenia Miller

    I believe politicians view the media as a tool that could either bring them down or uplift them. With this being written, the press can be one’s best friend or worst enemy. This is why it is so crucial, yet sometimes difficult and time-consuming, to understand the press and the behaviors and values of the politicians. Then again, it is difficult to tell whether or not a politician is being sincere with what they advocate.

  5. Angel Burgos Angel Burgos

    You make a good point about bias in the media. A long as it’s written by a human some sort of bias will be present. I think people have a hard time distinguishing bias from facts.

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