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Attacking the Fourth Estate: The Nature and Effects of Political Leaders’ War with the Press

Ever since Donald Trump entered the political arena it feels like tensions between politicians and the press have been heightened. I feel like I never really noticed this before, but ever since I started paying attention to Trump it is clear that he does not get along with the media in a way that can be considered funny. This reading, however, pointed out to me that tensions between press and politicians have existed for a long time. This theme did not start with Trump, but certainly became more apparent. He criticizes the press very publicly and everyone sees it. I think the language he uses is also what makes it so clear that he may never get along with the press. Other politicians might be a little more secretive about their issues with press and use less harsh language so people don’t pick up on it in quite the same way.

To me, the article seemed to show that tension with the press has picked as our country has become more and more polarized. I wish we had never created partisan media outlets. These outlets only feed into our current problems. They also work to solidify people’s confirmation bias. Many people might be unclear on the truth of situation because they only know what members of their own party think about the issue and how it is presented in their media, rather than the actual facts.

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One Comment

  1. Regenia Miller Regenia Miller

    It is probable that Trump’s criticism of the media is so intense because everyone knows, way deep down in their guts, that Trump is trying to hide a lot of things. I believe he will only get along with the press if it puts out information to the public that will reap positive/glorifying feedback about Trump, something that will elevate his status and reputation. It is interesting you bring up the point about other politicians being secretive about their issues with the press because one can tell when people have actually been trained politically to respond to any kind of press, good and bad. This highlights Trump’s lack of experience in politics even more.

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