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Vietnam Protest Movement

I thought that this was an interesting video because I had no idea that there was this type of backlash against the Vietnam War. That being said, I understand but do not agree with what the protestors were doing. I think that it was reasonable for them to be upset about the war, but that they should have supported their country more. Their protests were disrespectful to soldiers who wanted to volunteer and were giving their lives for their country. It must have been very demoralizing to be fighting for the USA but not getting the proper amount of support. The protests also divided the country. During a war the country should unite even more so that there is a higher chance of them winning. Lastly, the protests turned violent and people were often injured and even died. This is kind of ironic because they were protesting a war, but causing a lot of violence by doing so.

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  1. Caleb Warde Caleb Warde

    I don’t agree with the fact that the country should have been more united. that thought process that the U.S. should have been united almost completely negates the 1st amendment by saying people cant protest. the Draft was already proven unfair and the war was not far behind it, as this is when the U.S. fell into policing the world, which, well you can see how that worked out for us today.

  2. Matthew Barnes Matthew Barnes

    I disagree that protesting is disrespectful to the troops, because they were not all volunteers. 2.2 million men were drafted for the war, whether they wanted to be drafted or not. Protesting and trying to end the war is not disrespectful, because the attempt was to prevent the loss of those same soldiers, who may or may not be fighting willingly. Lastly, even if the US were to have put forth a united front of support in the Vietnam war, it would not have made a significant difference, because the war had grown to an overwhelming stalemate regardless of how many bodies were being thrown into the war.

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