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Event Response

On Tuesday November 12 I listened to Michele Norris’ talk about The Race Card Project. The Race Card Project is something that she founded, that people define race or discuss their ideas about race in only six words.

It is so interesting how hesitant people are to talk about race. Sometimes we are scared of saying something that no one else may relate to, or it may hurt someones’ feelings. However, it is important to realize that everyones’ ideas are valid and speak numbers about our culture. It is even more interesting to see how people who identify differently than me see/understand race. When we tried this project one girl wrote “it really isn’t a big deal.” Which confused me, because growing up in the south, it was really all I thought about it. But to others its’ effects are invisible. Beginning and opening up this conversation about race is so important because it actively affects our lives, even if it is not noticeable or visible to some. People constantly make decisions based on race, so we all need to continue to educate ourselves on its’ true effects on everyone.

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