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Women’s Voting Rights

In the Fighting for the Vote video they talk a lot about the ongoing seventy-two year long fight for Women’s voting rights. What I found interesting about the video was that in the video they talked a lot about slavery and civil rights as well. They brought up these things because while slaves were getting free and gaining rights, the women felt as if they were going to be left behind when it comes to rights. When black men were in the process of getting voting rights, women were saying how there is no way that free black men were going to have more rights then them so that was the leading cause of them moving forward to try and get voting rights which was something new to me.

With the other articles they both talk about equality in today’s society and in the workplace and the fact that there are more men in higher level jobs than women. The articles also talk about how women would lead differently like encouraging participation and other ways. I found that the second article doesn’t specifically say that women are better leaders but that they lead in a different way and a more interactive way. It reminded me of some great woman leaders like harriet tubman and amelia earhart who are important historical figures to relate to this topic.

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