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In Praise of Followers

In this article Kelley explains that the followers are just as or more important than leaders are. Towards the beginning Kelley says “Organizations stand or fall partly on the basis of how well their leaders lead, but partly also on the basis of how well their followers follow.” I think this quote sums it up pretty well. I feel like we always talk about what traits make someone a good leader, but I thought it was interesting how this article touched on what it takes to be a good follower as well. Kelley says all followers are not automatically effective ones. An effective follower has things like intelligence, and active, enthusiastic participation. These things can make a follower more valuable than another.

I also thought it was interesting that the traits you need to be considered a good follower, are similar to those of a great leader. Kelley says, “Effective followers are credible, honest, and courageous.” Usually it is the leader who is described as either “honest” or “courageous,” so it is interesting to see it used to describe what an effective follower is. I think the way Kelley describes good followers sounds similar to servant leadership. As a follower you make sacrifices and put in hard work but still are not recognized as the head of whatever the cause may be.

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  1. Susan Nevin Susan Nevin

    I would have to agree with Kelley that the followers are as important or more important than leaders. Leaders wouldn’t be who they are with their following. And, in some cases, the followers motivate the leaders to lead in the first place.

  2. Jesse Chiotelis Jesse Chiotelis

    I liked the connection you made when you mentioned how “traits you need to be considered a good follower, are similar to those of a great leader”. I think having the same overall values and mindset can be a very helpful factor in the constructive process and in communication in general.

  3. Ryan Leizman Ryan Leizman

    I also thought it was interesting how the author describes the traits of followers. To me, it was strikingly similar to those of a leader. This really shows not only the importance of the follower, but how the relationship between followers and leaders is necessary for success.

  4. Quinn Maguire Quinn Maguire

    I agree that Kelley’s quote about why organizations fall is about both the leaders and the followers sums up the piece over all. It is important to not that not everyone will be a leader but most everyone will probably be a follower of some leader some day. In social movements, like the civil rights movement, not only were the leaders of the movement brave and courageous, but so were their followers. They still had to put their life on the line to stand up for what they believed in and wanted to get done.

  5. Charlotte Moynihan Charlotte Moynihan

    Leaders quite literally couldn’t lead without their followers. Their success relies on the effectiveness and willingness of the followers, making them the most important part of the equation.

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