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This story/podcast may be the most interesting podcast we’ve listened to. I knew about the massacre but I had no clue about the leader behind it. It’s amazing to see how power can change someone so much. Jim Jones began as an amazing activist who did great things for people but slowly started to turn mad. Many people have attested to his kindness and charisma so it’s interesting how a person can seem one way but turn out to be completely different.

I also find it interesting how he claimed to God. It made me think of divine right and how previous kings in England had this same belief. History has shown us that when people claim to be God they tend to do tyrant like things because they believe that they are either god or God personally told them to. I wonder why people continue to follow leaders who make similar claims even though history proves that we shouldn’t. We are supposed to learn from the past so I wonder what keeps compelling people to make the same decisions. Maybe it is the charisma that people like Jim Jones have or is it that people want something to believe in that they can see?

Published inUncategorized


  1. Jocelyn Hernandez Jocelyn Hernandez

    I agree with you, this podcast was definitely interesting and brought a lot of information I did not know bwhide Jim Jones. I knew that he was charismatic and did some good in his community, but I did not know to what extent. He was highly influential in a time of segregation and was creative in the ways he fought against it. To your question, I believe people don’t know the magnitude of the problem they are in. Because they are in the issue, I didn’t think they understand the implications that come with toxic leadership, because they might not see the toxicity.

  2. Ellen Curtis Ellen Curtis

    I agree that people are probably looking for something to believe in that they can actually see. The survivors of Jonestown did say how good Jone made them feel and they were able to pay attention to that rather than all the corruption. I feel like all the good Jones started out doing likely helped him gain support because he was creating change that was visible.

  3. Nysa Stiell Nysa Stiell

    I think it’s interesting the comparison you made between him and previous English kings. Although I am not completely sure, from what we’ve learned, claiming to be God-like or working for God’s message gives individuals a greater sense of power and assurance in themselves. I can only assume it makes them feel as if they can do no wrong.

  4. Sean Bailis Sean Bailis

    I also really enjoyed your comparison between Jones and the English Kings that we previously learned about, it was a great connection that I didn’t think about that really demonstrates the similarities between a variety of different leaders. The podcast did also make me feel that Jones put himself at a God-like level, particularly when he claimed that he and his following prevented nuclear attacks from happening. I think that the large following he had prior to this change enabled him to make the change actually.

  5. Kendall Duffy Kendall Duffy

    I also didn’t have much knowledge of Jim Jones prior to this reading. I also agree with you that it is crazy how much people change when they are given power.

  6. Charlotte Moynihan Charlotte Moynihan

    I like that you highlighted Jones’ perception of himself as God or at least God-like and why people still choose to follow leaders like him. I think a lot of people want there to be a God that they can physically see undeniable signs of and when they see “signs” like the people Jones would plant in his audience, these desires can overcome some of their rational thinking.

  7. Quinn Maguire Quinn Maguire

    I agree that it is frustrating and easy to question ‘why do people keep following leaders who claim God as their overall leader if we know that those leaders normally turn violent in the end?’. Religion and leadership are two things that seem so separate yet so connected. I think the hope of religion and the hope that maybe this time, a leader who believes in the power of religion and god will be different is what keeps people from learning from history.

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