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Digital Dystopias: Truth and Representation in the Internet Age

In the presentation given by Kite Hafner in the Jepson Leadership Forum under the series Digital Dystopias, was very insightful in the pros the internet has in society. She explained how Algor created the High-Performance Computing Act. Which let the internet superhighway, that the then-president, George Bush, predicted that the internet would allow for major advancements not only in science but in global trade. To be able to convey her ideas of the internet, the speaker analyzes the myths that are often associated with the internet. One of those myths that The other myth the speaker talks about is that Tim Burners Lee did not invent the internet, but the web. Which I learned are two different things. The second myth she addresses is the ARPANET and how its goal was to be able to survive a nuclear attack.

What she made sure to point out, and help the audience understand is that unlike all the dark stories that will be proceeding in the series about the internet, is that it wasn’t all that bad. She emphasized that as the internet developed, and email became a thing, the “wars” that were being had, was how long a header should be, called the “Header Wars.” What she also talked about was what exactly was the internet and how international data is transmitted. She stated that about 99% of the data was transmitted by wires at the bottom of the ocean, submarine communications cables.  And travel thousands of miles in length, and as deep as mountains.

All in all, the question she was addressing who created the internet, and how each person who helped develop it claims to have created it.

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