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Transformational Leadership

Based on the reading by Cauto and Bass, the main difference in the two beliefs are the direction of power discussed. Cauto believes that leadership flows in a more linear direction than what is believed by Bass. Cauto believed that the important influence can only be productive when going from the leader to the follower. On the other hand Bass believed that it was more cyclical and reciprocal where the followers pass inspiration and influence the leader who also enforces the ideas as they flow upward.

I think that the opinion and viewpoint that Cauto has is very dangerous. This crosses the line heading into the direction of tyrannicide where the influence of the leader is the only one that matters. Cauto is saying that the leaders should possess the influence to do what they think is best without the consideration of his subordinates. This thus implies that he would not be preoccupied with the wants and needs of whom he is supposed to lead. Cauto justifies that leaders do as they please which is never the best option for a leader.

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  1. Jocelyn Hernandez Jocelyn Hernandez

    I agree with what you are saying. If a leader is able to make decisions alone, not only does that make him a bad leader, but one that is close to a tyrant. On the other hand like Bass thinks, makes a leader more responsive to his followers, therefore a better leader.

  2. Sean Bailis Sean Bailis

    I completely agree with your concern regarding Cauto’s belief, in a leader/follower relationship, there needs to be influence and inspiration going both ways. If there is not, then it doesn’t appear to me to be much of a relationship at all if there’s only a one-way transfer of information.

  3. Johnathan Breckenridge Johnathan Breckenridge

    From a sports standpoint, the strongest type of leadership is when it is follower to follower. It is much more motivational to everyone.

  4. Quinn Maguire Quinn Maguire

    I agree that I had some hesitations with Cauto’s definition of transformational leadership but I also think that we expect leaders to make a lot of decisions for us. With transformational leadership we want our leaders to represent us by the decisions they make so hopefully they are thinking about what the followers want when they make these decisions, but it is ultimately them making the decisions.

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