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Humility: the Forgotten Leadership Value 10:30

The very last sentence of Ruscio’s article almost asks the reader if we believe that a democracy can survive a leader who lacks humility? In my opinion, absolutely not. A leader without humility has pride and arrogance which cloud their judgment and decision-making skills. They don’t fit easily in a system that almost depends on them making mistakes and being wrong, so that they can learn from them and move on. A leader without humility also has a composition that places them not in the middle of arrogance and timidity but leaning towards arrogance, which ultimately can lead to them being labeled as a tyrant, due to tyranny being defined as a leader who acts in their own interest and not in the interests or needs of their people. In this way, a leader without humility is basically or almost a tyrant, which means that it is no longer a democracy.

In the article, Ruscio lists off abilities of a humble leader, such as the ability to admit their errors, learn from their mistakes, and have reverence for the institutions they occupy or that are above them and the reluctance to utilize power. Hearing these characteristics of a humble leader, it made me think that our current leader isn’t very humble. Throughout his years in office, I haven’t heard of many apologies or how much respect he has for valid people in our democracy. I don’t believe his learned from his mistake either in that he keeps doing the wrong things, in Tweets and in how his laws aren’t promoting equality or honestly. Trump also does not see himself as imperfect, which Ruscio states as one common denominator amongst Washington, Lincoln, and FDR.

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