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So far in the Leadership course, we have only or mainly talked about what makes a leader or who is considered a leader without asking why. We talked about Hitler becoming a leader due to trouble in Germany, and MLK becoming a leader due to the civil rights movement, but never really mentioned the followers and the interaction between the followers and the leader. In the first reading titled Leaders and Followers, I found it interesting how as time passes what we as followers want from a leader changes. The change is not what is surprising, rather it is the actual want this is interesting. Sometimes we want a more fluid leader, that listens and is responsive, but other times we want a rigid ruler that is confident with their decisions. 

What I also found interesting is the line we draw between leaders and followers. Why do we find the need to separate ourselves from a leader that is not much different from us? If in fact, all it causes is the insecurity of knowledge and power that induces change. The last reading was very empowering for me because it really opened my eyes to the possibility of leadership.  Why it took me so long to understand that I too have a place as a leader and should have a place as a leader leads me to the question, what influences leaders to become learners other than hardships or a call from a divine power? 

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  1. Alexandra Smith Alexandra Smith

    I also find it interesting that different historical conditions desire a different kind of leader. While history’s great leaders have a lot in common, I think that the situational differences between them explains their differences. While I believe that just about anyone can rise into a leadership position, I also believe that within groups, having a distinct leader (even if among the followers) is important because it helps maintain order, and people naturally gravitate towards order.

  2. Luiza Cocito Luiza Cocito

    I also thought it was very interesting to analyze more deeply the importance of followers when it comes to successful leaderships. I think it actually makes a lot of sense that what followers need from leaders changes over time, because it depends on what the followers need at a specific moment. On that note, it is really important for a leader to be aware of what their followers want, so that he/she can rule accordingly.

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