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Allegory of the cave

I thought this was a very interesting video. I think it is very interesting how Plato suggest that we see things through socialization and how we perceive things could be in fact wrong. There are many factors that go into this such as social media, friends, family and multiple other things as well. While listening to the video a bunch of questions started to pop up in my head. I wondered why leadership really is and what characteristics go into one. There seems to be so many different characteristics, making it hard to define a good leader.

In the one article Gardner says “Leaders are almost never as much in charge as they are pictured to be, and followers almost never are as submissive as one might imagine.” I thought this was very interesting and I thought about it for a while because I wondered what he meant by “never as in charge as they are pictured”. And then later on in the text he says “A following must be earned” and I agree with this. The leader must do their job in order to gain followers such as earning trust, having the same beliefs, and goals.

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One Comment

  1. Lindsey Frank Lindsey Frank

    I think you bring up a good point when including social media. This especially in the present day is huge when talking about perception and how others present their lives.

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