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Did King Charles I Deserve To Be Executed

In determining whether or not King Charles deserved to be executed it is important to examine the events leading up to his execution. Most important to note is the fact that Charles I betrayed his followers and the members of Parliament after losing the English Civil War in 1646. Despite the thought that Charles might’ve lost his supporters, the people had no malice thoughts about him as a leader and still respected him even after losing the Civil War. By joining with the Scottish forces in an attempt to invade England, Charles committed treason. He did it in an attempt to gain back the throne, but there was no need to go to that extent. By this, there was no valid reason for Charles to attempt an invasion and he did deserve executed.

On another note, it is essential to understand that King Charles I was honorable with a strong sense of right and wrong. As a leader, he was respectful and loyal to his followers. However, he had a habit of escalating altercations with his enemies. Whenever there was a small challenge it would be escalated because of the attitude that he possessed. This quality is part of what pushed him to unite with the Scottish forces. Unfortunately, his pride got ahead of him and led him to be executed.



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  1. Angel Burgos Angel Burgos

    I also think Charles I had an ego and a sense of pride that ultimately led him to his execution. One, because he was willing to start a war to gain back the throne, and two, he would put innocent lives at stake because his ego led him to escalate certain situations.

  2. Victoria Devlin Victoria Devlin

    I agree that one of the biggest causes of Charles I’s execution was how prideful he was. He believed that he was so entitled to the throne because of divine right that he started a war in order to try to take over and become ruler again. In turn, many innocent lives were taken which would have never happened if his pride did not spur him to make irrational decisions.

  3. Caleb Warde Caleb Warde

    i like the logic this follows it is very straight forward and simple. Charles I was a traitor simple as that he was liked but betrayed his country. Execution was just looked at somewhat favorably in that time it was just kinda what they did.

  4. Lauren Stenson Lauren Stenson

    I do agree with your logic and that this should result and someone being de-throwned. However, I am not sure if treason is reason for execution. At the same time the historical context is important to pay attention to, and in that case I see why Charles I was executed.

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