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Did King Charles I Deserve To Be Executed?

When asked if King Charles I deserved to be executed… my answer is yes. According to the text, although he had a “sense of humor,” and was said to be loyal, he was still a tyrant. And taking into consideration that it takes a lot of boxes to check when it comes to labeling someone a tyrant, it makes the question easier to be answered. Interestingly, what made me question the question is the fact that King Charles I was not the first king to be executed, so why was it such a big deal. But, moving forward, however, I realized this execution was very public and blunt. At this point, it was inevitable for me to compare the execution of King Carles I to the crucifixion Jesus. 

I am not saying that Jesus too was a tyrant, but the amount of publicity and controversy that is put upon the death of King Charles I parallels those seen as Jesus is called to death. Unlike Jesus, King Charles I was as described int he text, selfish as he called for war for his personal gain, killed, and was himself an enemy to the public.

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One Comment

  1. Reva Henderson Reva Henderson

    I think its a very interesting point to compare both the execution of King Charles and Jesus. Both their executions were very public. After both their executions they were both seen as martyrs. This brings into question what effect a public trial and execution has on the legacy a person leaves behind.

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