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MLK and Charismatic Leadership

One part I found particularly interesting was the part where it describes MLK as not prepared for or seeking out a position of leadership. I found this intriguing due to my perspective of him as extroverted, good-doer person who seemed to have the ability of leading come easily to him. MLK possessed the key characteristics of a good leader, and he easily is identified as one of history’s greatest leaders, which makes this part especially surprising for me.

Undoubtedly, MLK possessed a lot of charisma, seen through his ability to arouse and amass followers and eloquently articulate his ideas and dreams through his speeches. However, many of his followers were themselves grass-root leaders, leading others through action rather than igniting them through speech, like the leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott or the diner sit-in. He was a great leader, not just because of his oration skills or his own actions, but because his charisma and likeability encouraged his followers to believe in his message more than just his self. This ability demonstrates that MLK’s charisma was not out of narcissism or manipulation, only his will to bring justice to a population of people that were struggling.

King also demonstrates the notion that leaders are made, not born. He may have been born with some characteristics favorable to being a good leader, he learned how to lead and lead effectively and well through his overcoming of his initial lack of will to be the forefront leader of one the history’s greatest movements. Especially coming from such a predominant figure of history, his story can show how leaders are everywhere and just need the proper help and training to reach their full potential.

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One Comment

  1. Luiza Cocito Luiza Cocito

    I completely agree that King’s charisma differed from that of other leaders in history because there was no intention of manipulation. King emphasized the theory that anyone can make a difference in the world, which is why he was able to accomplish so much with the black movement. I also think it is interesting to analyze nature versus nurture when learning about King because he is a prime example of how perseverance and determination can lead to success in terms of leadership.

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