Image of study room QR code

The Law Library has group study rooms in the basement and second floor. For Fall 2022, we have ten spaces available for collaborative study and group work. Book the rooms online for 4 hours at a time, up to one week in advance.

Image of study room QR code


Each room now has a QR code you can scan to see if that space is free.  If it’s not in use, you can book that room directly. However, you will still need to check out the key from the Law Library Circulation Desk.

All rooms have collaboration technology, a glass white board and dry erase markers. If you have any questions ask at the Circulation Desk.

The Law School also has a bookable conference room in the Down Under. This can be booked HERE but the Law Library does not maintain a key for it. That room is first come, first served.

Group Study Rooms: Expanded and Enhanced

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